Seiken Densetsu 3 – Stacks Game of the Month

Flyamese Cat, CorporateBonding, and Johnknewwhen take a trip to the past for this month’s Stacks Gaming Squad Video Game of the Month. Feel what we felt in this exclusive podcast giving an overview, review, and analysis of the third game of SquareSoft’s (now Square Enix) Mana series. This particular title was released in Japan in 1995, 2 years after Secret of Mana, and looking to ride its coattails to success. Unfortunately, it never saw a stateside release. Because of that, we had to use our perfect Nihongo skills to decipher this game and complete it since it wasn’t in English. Flyamese Cat trudged through the world of Mana in an attempt to save the dying Tree of Mana (again) and finished this tough title.

This particular time frame will be remembered as a bit of a renaissance for JRPGs, we feasted year in and year out for a solid decade with no sign of slowing down. This Game does have a much more action oriented battle style but still implements a spell system for better or for worse. Does Seiken Densetsu 3 get the Stacks Gaming Squad Official Seal of approval? Well you’ll have to listen in to find out and also get our takes of the climate of gaming overall during that timeframe. I won’t spoil too much but there is an outtake at the very end so listen all the way through.

Once the podcast is finished, be sure to subscribe to our blog to get the latest updates straight to your email from Stacks Gaming Squad and join us by playing the next game of the month along with us.